Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Fall, fall, We All Fall Down
I felt like such a college student yesterday. I had three hours of lab and then a quick lunch before major cramming. I crammed at the library until 7:30pm- then, prelim time! Overall, I think I did alright on my exam. But damn that day drained my soul. I don't know how I'm going to survive the rest of this week... or the next.... I can't believe I've been in school for over a month already. Time disappears and I didn't even realize that next week is going to be fall break. We're in FALL. My favorite season :)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Study Skills
My first prelim exam is coming up on Tuesday... I'M SCARED. I feel so unprepared for my Statistics exam. First of all, I haven't been keeping up with the reading OR understanding the homework. So, I decided to buckle down and get some studying done today.
It seems like everyone has a different way of studying here. But one thing in common: EVERYONE STUDIES SO MUCH. I remember on the first night of classes, people were already in the lounges studying. I felt so lazy. For the first week, I had hardly any assignments and felt utterly depressed because everyone else around me was studying. Well, it's Cornell after all. We study hard.
Oh I had such a typical college experience the other day: We studied at Uris library till 5 in the morning and ordered pizza and wings. Almost crashed there for the night! The libraries are crazy packed all the time. I've been using them quite a lot. I can't study in the dorms. I get distracted by everyone.
But even at the libraries, I get bored so easily. So, I checked out Mann library today. But I couldn't seem to get any studying done. I picked a really quiet spot with hardly any other people. But I felt frozen by the air conditioning and really bored out of my mind.
I finally moved outside - It was a perfect fall day (once again). I went to an outdoor study spot near the Human Ecology building. But the sun was so bright and warm and.... I fell asleep.
OKAY. I finally decided to walk to the Arts quad (I wasted a lot of time moving around) and study at Olin library. Usually, I go to Uris' Harry Potter room but I was getting bored of that. I found a crowded spot with tons of people studying and turned on the ipod.
People usually think you need a quiet, isolated spot for studying but I guess I figured out my ideal study spot- somewhere with a lot of other people studying. When I look up, I can't get distracted because all the other people studying will guilt me back into studying myself. And the loud music will keep me from falling asleep from the boring material I'm reading.
I got a lot of studying done!! WOohoo! Wow, I just wrote an extremely disgusting blog entry... I sound .. like.. a nerd. -.-
It seems like everyone has a different way of studying here. But one thing in common: EVERYONE STUDIES SO MUCH. I remember on the first night of classes, people were already in the lounges studying. I felt so lazy. For the first week, I had hardly any assignments and felt utterly depressed because everyone else around me was studying. Well, it's Cornell after all. We study hard.
Oh I had such a typical college experience the other day: We studied at Uris library till 5 in the morning and ordered pizza and wings. Almost crashed there for the night! The libraries are crazy packed all the time. I've been using them quite a lot. I can't study in the dorms. I get distracted by everyone.
But even at the libraries, I get bored so easily. So, I checked out Mann library today. But I couldn't seem to get any studying done. I picked a really quiet spot with hardly any other people. But I felt frozen by the air conditioning and really bored out of my mind.
I finally moved outside - It was a perfect fall day (once again). I went to an outdoor study spot near the Human Ecology building. But the sun was so bright and warm and.... I fell asleep.
OKAY. I finally decided to walk to the Arts quad (I wasted a lot of time moving around) and study at Olin library. Usually, I go to Uris' Harry Potter room but I was getting bored of that. I found a crowded spot with tons of people studying and turned on the ipod.
People usually think you need a quiet, isolated spot for studying but I guess I figured out my ideal study spot- somewhere with a lot of other people studying. When I look up, I can't get distracted because all the other people studying will guilt me back into studying myself. And the loud music will keep me from falling asleep from the boring material I'm reading.
I got a lot of studying done!! WOohoo! Wow, I just wrote an extremely disgusting blog entry... I sound .. like.. a nerd. -.-
Thursday, September 20, 2007
"But my teeth fell out..."
Things looked better today. I didn't find my Cornell ID but I deactivated my card so no one else can use it and I can still eat at the dining hall with my ghetto voucher slip. I also set up a local, M&T Bank account so I can withdraw cash on campus at the ATM's without paying fees. I was also on top of all my homework and reading since I spent so much time at the library, yesterday. I made it to all my classes on time and actually went to all my classes... I finished my Math Lab extra early... Cheers for being productive!
WOW. I just overheard my hallmates discussing dreams (no, I'm not eavesdropping... I'm doing my art project... eh, procrastinating on my art project since I'm blogging). Amanda just mentioned that if you're teeth fall out in your dreams then it means you're stressed. WOW. A few weeks ago, I woke up to a weirdd dream-- I was walking in the supermarket with my parents when I felt my teeth starting to loosen and fall out. I spat out my teeth and said gummily to my parents, "OMG MY TEETH FELL OUT." But they just glanced nonchalantly and sighed, "So, deal with it."
I remember waking up from my dream because my friend called my cell. Apparently I kept mumbling, "but my teeth fell out." I guess he thought it was real and started freaking out. Oops.
Yo, how metaphorical is that though? Good thing I haven't been having too many more teeth-falling dreams, lately...
WOW. I just overheard my hallmates discussing dreams (no, I'm not eavesdropping... I'm doing my art project... eh, procrastinating on my art project since I'm blogging). Amanda just mentioned that if you're teeth fall out in your dreams then it means you're stressed. WOW. A few weeks ago, I woke up to a weirdd dream-- I was walking in the supermarket with my parents when I felt my teeth starting to loosen and fall out. I spat out my teeth and said gummily to my parents, "OMG MY TEETH FELL OUT." But they just glanced nonchalantly and sighed, "So, deal with it."
I remember waking up from my dream because my friend called my cell. Apparently I kept mumbling, "but my teeth fell out." I guess he thought it was real and started freaking out. Oops.
Yo, how metaphorical is that though? Good thing I haven't been having too many more teeth-falling dreams, lately...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
One of Those Days
Today, I...
-Woke up, exhausted and panicked after checking my alarm clock (damn, alarm clocks!). I was 40 minutes late to the service center.
-Realized I forgot to finish my Stats homework and wrote down random answers while getting kids' stupid packages. At the same time, my co-worker kept bothering me for answers on the chemistry assignments (finding molar masses really isn't that difficult...).
-Was late to Stats class... again. I really hate when people stare.
-Found out I have to complete another phys ed class, "Trail Maintenance." because I forgot about the drop deadline. So, I either take the class or pay $195 to drop it. Hm, when did I decide it would be fun to clean up trails? And when did universities decide to charge you for everything... soon, the air we breathe on campus will have a price.
-Realized I might have to miss my Campus Crusade retreat this weekend because I'm signed up to clean up trails.
-Lost my Cornell ID card. somewhere. I just went from 1 meal a day.. to 0 meals a day! Yay!
-Studied for five and a half hours at the library.
-Felt like I accomplished nothing in the day that God gave to me.
Whats going to happen tomorrow? I guess, I'm just feeling very dejected at the moment. Maybe, it's best just to say that everyone has one of these days. Maybe, I'm too hard on myself sometimes... I set high expectations for Cornell and myself. So, it's so discouraging when I can never seem to do anything right.
Actually, I did one thing right today: I visited my academic adviser. She's so sweet. I asked her some questions on entering the Education field. I think I'm going to pursue a minor in General Education from Cals and switch my major to Fiber Science and Apparel Design.
One thing that makes me happy... I think I will be doing a lot of traveling this year. Five weeks in Malaysia really made me discover many things... I'm looking forward to the winter in Europe. Model U.N. will really allow me to see the other Ivy League schools and there's a conference in Montreal this year. Spring Break, I would really love to go to Nicaragua (explain some other time...) and during the summer, trying to get this job in Maine as part of some summer program for Minorities. Yes- I'm an overachiever. Woohoo!
While I'm still here... Pictures from the bike ride to Cornell Plantations last Sunday:

Kevin and his bike-- he's the dude I'm traveling to Europe with during winter break.
-Woke up, exhausted and panicked after checking my alarm clock (damn, alarm clocks!). I was 40 minutes late to the service center.
-Realized I forgot to finish my Stats homework and wrote down random answers while getting kids' stupid packages. At the same time, my co-worker kept bothering me for answers on the chemistry assignments (finding molar masses really isn't that difficult...).
-Was late to Stats class... again. I really hate when people stare.
-Found out I have to complete another phys ed class, "Trail Maintenance." because I forgot about the drop deadline. So, I either take the class or pay $195 to drop it. Hm, when did I decide it would be fun to clean up trails? And when did universities decide to charge you for everything... soon, the air we breathe on campus will have a price.
-Realized I might have to miss my Campus Crusade retreat this weekend because I'm signed up to clean up trails.
-Lost my Cornell ID card. somewhere. I just went from 1 meal a day.. to 0 meals a day! Yay!
-Studied for five and a half hours at the library.
-Felt like I accomplished nothing in the day that God gave to me.
Whats going to happen tomorrow? I guess, I'm just feeling very dejected at the moment. Maybe, it's best just to say that everyone has one of these days. Maybe, I'm too hard on myself sometimes... I set high expectations for Cornell and myself. So, it's so discouraging when I can never seem to do anything right.
Actually, I did one thing right today: I visited my academic adviser. She's so sweet. I asked her some questions on entering the Education field. I think I'm going to pursue a minor in General Education from Cals and switch my major to Fiber Science and Apparel Design.
One thing that makes me happy... I think I will be doing a lot of traveling this year. Five weeks in Malaysia really made me discover many things... I'm looking forward to the winter in Europe. Model U.N. will really allow me to see the other Ivy League schools and there's a conference in Montreal this year. Spring Break, I would really love to go to Nicaragua (explain some other time...) and during the summer, trying to get this job in Maine as part of some summer program for Minorities. Yes- I'm an overachiever. Woohoo!
While I'm still here... Pictures from the bike ride to Cornell Plantations last Sunday:

Kevin and his bike-- he's the dude I'm traveling to Europe with during winter break.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Go Big Red!

I basically came from a high school that had almost no school pride in sports (except soccer). We actually lost our homecoming football game. Any form of school pride only came out during academic events (i.e. science olympiad. 2nd in the state!)..... and getting into prestigious universities.

So, going to such a game and seeing the mass of red and white fans was so new to me. I actually felt kind of..... proud to be a Cornellian? HMM. Interesting!
Everyone was cheering. Students stood, not sat. My friend was an adorable cheerleader... She threw me a souvenir football meant for crowd pleasers and I actually caught it!! It's on my desk now along with other random souvenirs since coming here.
Oh yeah, we also won the game.

After a long night, I woke up today for Sunday brunch (my favorite part of the week) and went for an Autumn bike ride with a friend to the plantations - beautiful day.
I think for the rest of today, I will take it easy... probably pay a visit to the dear library. I have my first prelim exam coming up for Statistics... AIYA.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Newness in Season
Today really feels like Autumn... which puts me in a good mood. Fall is my favorite season. I feel like something new is happening. Summer weather can become monotonous and lazy. There's something about waking up and experiencing blue skies, fresh chilly weather, crunching leaves... it's so invigorating! Maybe 'cause I was born in a snowstorm, so I love cold weather and warm clothes, hot drinks, and red foliage.
I went sailing yesterday. I was so close to missing the bus. I ended up sprinting (in heels) from end of central campus to the edge of North. But so worth it. I think I'm beginning to like college.
I went sailing yesterday. I was so close to missing the bus. I ended up sprinting (in heels) from end of central campus to the edge of North. But so worth it. I think I'm beginning to like college.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Stephen Colbert Round II
Tickets for the Colbert show sold out in one hour. But word on the street is he's giving a second show and more tickets are going on sale Monday 9am. Note to self: WAKE UP. BUY TICKETS. KEEP ONE. SELL OTHERS ON EBAY. I saw the other tickets on ebay going up to almost $250 a pop.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
A Long-Awaited Epiphany!
The most exciting thing happened to me today. I was sitting in Stats class, trying to understand Prof Huang, when suddenly I knew exactly what to do with my life. Usually, these kinds of epiphany do not last long-- like a flash, and then they're gone. And I'm just as lost as I was before. BUT, this time... I knew what I was going to do and it stayed with me throughout the day.
Okay, so here's the plan. I ditch pre-med and instead study WHATEVER I WANT. Isn't that an idea? Hm.. I don't think I'm going to do anything as drastic as change colleges but I can definitely see myself in a more provoking major. BUT OKAY. I'm not so stupid and reckless... I know I will basically waste $100k if I just study whatever I want and come out with a useless degree (although, Cornell degrees are hardly useless...). SO listen to this... I can study whatever I want AND (here's where I get more realistic) I ENTER THE EDUCATION FIELD.
I've wanted to be a teacher for longer than I've wanted to go into Medicine but I remember what made me totally forget about this career plan. It was when I had to shadow a 3rd grade teacher for the day and the kids were so annoying. But now I realize-- I'm not meant to be an elementary school teacher... I CAN DO SECONDARY SCHOOL... or maybe even university level!! Am I getting too excited?
Okay, so here's what's next. I can study anything I want and not feel guilty! Because I will enter the Education sphere and teach! It's like a win-win-win-win situation. I can continue learning languages, then I can travel- because I can go abroad to somewhere like.. Mongolia or Argentina- and teach English!! And then I can get long holidays, and teacher's benefits, and keep writing and learning and write my travel expenses off my income taxes because it's for the benefit of education!!! I'M A GENIUS I TELL YOU.
ISN'T THIS THE BEST EPIPHANY EVER. And also, I can go to Columbia!! They have an excellent Teacher's College! I will be able to live in New York City... maybe I can work freelance in Journalism! I'M SO EXCITEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
I was near passing out today from exhaustion... but I still skipped up the hill to North Campus, listening to my Ipod.. and actually feeling like I'm going somewhere!!
And also.. I'm going to Europe on Winter Break!!!!
AND ALSO.. my hallmates are coming with me!!!!!!!! *Swoons*
Okay, so here's the plan. I ditch pre-med and instead study WHATEVER I WANT. Isn't that an idea? Hm.. I don't think I'm going to do anything as drastic as change colleges but I can definitely see myself in a more provoking major. BUT OKAY. I'm not so stupid and reckless... I know I will basically waste $100k if I just study whatever I want and come out with a useless degree (although, Cornell degrees are hardly useless...). SO listen to this... I can study whatever I want AND (here's where I get more realistic) I ENTER THE EDUCATION FIELD.
I've wanted to be a teacher for longer than I've wanted to go into Medicine but I remember what made me totally forget about this career plan. It was when I had to shadow a 3rd grade teacher for the day and the kids were so annoying. But now I realize-- I'm not meant to be an elementary school teacher... I CAN DO SECONDARY SCHOOL... or maybe even university level!! Am I getting too excited?
Okay, so here's what's next. I can study anything I want and not feel guilty! Because I will enter the Education sphere and teach! It's like a win-win-win-win situation. I can continue learning languages, then I can travel- because I can go abroad to somewhere like.. Mongolia or Argentina- and teach English!! And then I can get long holidays, and teacher's benefits, and keep writing and learning and write my travel expenses off my income taxes because it's for the benefit of education!!! I'M A GENIUS I TELL YOU.
ISN'T THIS THE BEST EPIPHANY EVER. And also, I can go to Columbia!! They have an excellent Teacher's College! I will be able to live in New York City... maybe I can work freelance in Journalism! I'M SO EXCITEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
I was near passing out today from exhaustion... but I still skipped up the hill to North Campus, listening to my Ipod.. and actually feeling like I'm going somewhere!!
And also.. I'm going to Europe on Winter Break!!!!
AND ALSO.. my hallmates are coming with me!!!!!!!! *Swoons*
Monday, September 10, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
A Rainy Day in Ithaca

"We didn't go to Harvard-- no we're not complaining but it's always raining.
So, we go to Cornell-- it's in the middle of nowhere but we really don't care..."
-Cayuga's Waiters (Acapella group)
I guess the storm decided to stay for Sunday brunch. I woke up and saw this outside my window... and then snuggled deeper into my blankets. Cozy, rainy, day...
Today's schedule: church, Sunday brunch, shopping, homework, and going for training at Appel (I'm checking out a job position at the mail room).
Yesterday, my friend celebrated his 19th birthday. I had to take a bus to the commons for training at the Daily Sun. So, I just hung around there until 5 and bought some birthday gifts. Ithaca Commons is a ridiculously cute place -- reminds me of Hudson Valley's Rhinebeck -- little shops, music performances, cafes, bookstores, antique stores. It's all very quaint... I was thinking, "This is what Ithaca is about... not the North campus dorms, or impressive buildings for classes, collegetown, frats, or Target..."
What does suck about Ithaca is the transportation. Stupid bus system is damn confusing. I took the bus to go back for the birthday dinner and somehow ended up driving through cow meadows. Not as funny as it sounds...
Finally, I found my way back to Collegetown and joined friends for dinner at Aladin's (very nice Mediterranean food) and desert at Cafe Pacific (an Asian desert place). It was a nice night... except for the storming. I think my friend had a good night : )
Now, I wonder what my first college birthday will be like...
Friday, September 7, 2007
Monday, September 3, 2007
Solution to Alarm Clock Problem
I got three cups now.
My pink Shakespeare cup for white people tea, my indigo mug for coffee and hot cocoa, and my dragon teacup for asian people tea. Mmmm..
And of course soon, I will look at the clock and be like, "WHA- I HAVE TWO MINS TO GET TO MY CHEM/STATS/ART/HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CLASS." Grab my thermos (friend gave it to me) for coffee to go! Essential for tiring mornings...
Professor Huang
My statistics professor reminds me a bit of my father... is that creepy or cute?
He has an interesting habit or gazing off into the distance and talking about absolutely random topics. I don't think he means to be funny-- He just has an oblivious, curious way.
The first day he asked us why we should study statistics. Nobody answered. "Well, what if you go to a party and someone asks you what is statistics. You want to be prepared." We started laughing but I think he was serious.
Then, he also gave us an example of a study case about lost wallets. Then, he mentioned that he might have lost his wallet and looked utterly distressed, staring at the ground for a few minutes while patting his pockets.
Then, his cellphone went off. And he looked so confused. He answered it, in front of the class, and said reallyy loudly like the other person was halfway around the world, "I'M SORRY BUT I REALLY CANNOT TALK RIGHT NOW....... NO. NO... I CANNOT TALK-- PLEASE, I'M TEACHING CLASS NOW.... YES... NO... RIGHT NOW.. YES I'M TEACHING NOW... OK CALL U LATER."
I swear, sometimes I think I'm only staying in this class just because of him. He is the funniest professor I have.
The book even reminds me of him. So off tangent sometimes, making it difficult to concentrate when it's almost 1 in the morning.
"Shoppers receive cards that determine how large a discount they get, but the percentage is revealed by scratching off that black stuff (what IS that stuff?)..."
He has an interesting habit or gazing off into the distance and talking about absolutely random topics. I don't think he means to be funny-- He just has an oblivious, curious way.
The first day he asked us why we should study statistics. Nobody answered. "Well, what if you go to a party and someone asks you what is statistics. You want to be prepared." We started laughing but I think he was serious.
Then, he also gave us an example of a study case about lost wallets. Then, he mentioned that he might have lost his wallet and looked utterly distressed, staring at the ground for a few minutes while patting his pockets.
Then, his cellphone went off. And he looked so confused. He answered it, in front of the class, and said reallyy loudly like the other person was halfway around the world, "I'M SORRY BUT I REALLY CANNOT TALK RIGHT NOW....... NO. NO... I CANNOT TALK-- PLEASE, I'M TEACHING CLASS NOW.... YES... NO... RIGHT NOW.. YES I'M TEACHING NOW... OK CALL U LATER."
I swear, sometimes I think I'm only staying in this class just because of him. He is the funniest professor I have.
The book even reminds me of him. So off tangent sometimes, making it difficult to concentrate when it's almost 1 in the morning.
"Shoppers receive cards that determine how large a discount they get, but the percentage is revealed by scratching off that black stuff (what IS that stuff?)..."
Sunday, September 2, 2007
I know I'm sick and I shouldn't be out anyways... but I am downright pissed at myself! I overslept and now I am not canoeing happily to the Farmer's Market. My hallmates just asked my friend who was moaning. That would be me. Because even though I set three alarm clocks, I heard nothing! Until I woke up and stared at my clock and voila, started cursing quite a bit.
Yes, may be weird of me to get upset over something as trivial as canoeing. But I was looking forward to it! I joined the Outing Club a week ago and it's been great. Where else can you go kayaking right after your 4pm class?
I must wake up earlier... Off to make some tea and mope and buy new alarm clocks.
Yes, may be weird of me to get upset over something as trivial as canoeing. But I was looking forward to it! I joined the Outing Club a week ago and it's been great. Where else can you go kayaking right after your 4pm class?
I must wake up earlier... Off to make some tea and mope and buy new alarm clocks.