Lately, I've been going through one of those nostalgic, "finding my place in the
cosmos" phases. It all started a couple of weeks ago when I realized I haven't really
read read a book in what felt like
years. That, combined with dramatic, yet predictable, mood swings and a pathetic writer's block, prompted me to confront my mind. My mind is a sputtering of blahblah's and accumulated
brain trash, a state of being also known as
frustration. Frustration: discovering that I actually possess very little originality. And that I have no gift for language after all. My style is... eh, up and down. In addition to all of that, I've become a total wallflower. I've got this slush pile of muddied-up, untranslatable ideas.
So continuing on with this story (see, brain freeze!!!)... A couple weeks ago, I went to the Cornell store and bought a pile of books off the New York Times bestsellers list. I was going to reinvent my inner bookworm. I started reading and have been reading all this Spring break, only to further confirm my fears: Yes. These writers are... incredible... outstanding... The little gold sticker on the cover flap is winking at me with a smug, "Yeah! You're a failure!" glimmer. Yep, I'm a complete failure. I've discovered that this ivy-league education has amounted to NOTHING so far. A couple mis-learned chemical equations and concepts of modern art, sure. But still, I'm trapped in a
huge confused haze. I'm bothering myself with a steady stream of annoying, philosophical questions. What am I doing with my life? What have I ever been writing about? Why do I feel as though I'm always making the same points? These annoying little thoughts are like mosquitoes, invisible but so prevalent. They'll bite, pinch, nag someone into a stupor. Am I making any sense?
At this point, I started going through all my old blogs and writings like a damn witch hunter . "God, what was I talking about?" "This is ridic."There goes my autobiography. A mess of unfocused, rambling, run-ons that sometimes will have me questioning my high school English education that maybe never taught me why it is so bad to have run-ons in writing when I could actually have prevented the usage, and thus, should probably relearn my grammar and then, now I can finally prevent run-ons! What am I really talking about here?
I'm nineteen years old and I've been eating, drinking, traveling, learning, laughing, sleeping, crying, writing some good stuff, writing plain crap, questioning, rebelling, dancing, thinking, testing, working, growing, changing, singing badly, fighting, loving, driving, running, yawning, and sneezing for a good while. There are good experiences but worse, regretful experiences to confront. The Poughkeepsie Journal, of which I blog for, says I'm a teenager writing about my adventures at college. But am I really doing that? I must admit, most of my adventures have been away from school. School can become so routine; all the weeks' events melt and flow into one another. And before you know it, you're a graduating senior, waiting in line for that rolled-up piece of paper. What have I been learning? What have I been writing about? What do I want to write about?
Now, I'm reading. Tearing through
newspapers, magazines and paperback novels, hardcover bestsellers, nonfiction, fiction, self-help, resource. Envious and disturbed. I've got this living, breathing address on the world wide web. But nothing real. It's UNDER CONSTRUCTION. And I've got to figure out what am I really talking about and what do I do with the next four or five years of - no, not my life - other people's lives,
our lives. So, that's my spring break in a nutshell. Am I making sense? Oh gosh, I've written one big fat entry, again.