Sometimes, I go on these internet web-jumping la de da's, in which I just google whatever topic of interest I've come upon lately and then jump from link to link to link... Just for fun. It's very educational, in fact!
Today, I began researching something for an article I had to write for my internship. Then, I started thinking about internships, in general and began googling advice on working at an internship (this is my first experience, anyway). Then, I thought of how amazing it would be to have an internship next summer abroad... which led me to more websites and more websites... until I stumbled upon this gem:
Delaying the Real World, The Twenty-Something's Guide to Seeking Adventure. Here's a brief excerpt:
"You've got this pearl of a decade in front of you: THE TWENTIES. This is the prime of your life! You've been on a straight path since you learned to tie your shoes, and now suddenly you've got a diploma, enough energy to run the length of the globe, and all the freedom in the world.
So how are you going to spend the glorious days of your independent youth? In a cubicle, perhaps? Filing papers, or maybe crunching numbers? How about answering phones and scheduling meetings?
Wrong! Now is the time to do exactly what you want to do and fulfill your wildest dreams. Don't be in such a rush to become boring! Let the early years be more unconventional and experimental. Try things you might never have the chance to do again. When else in life will you have such freedom? If you wait for retirement, the experience won't be nearly as cool. A thousand fleeting opportunities are waiting for you, and there is nothing holding you back from taking your pick. A year of teaching in Brazil? How about working on a vineyard in New Zealand? Or maybe biking across the U.S. strikes your fancy. From event planning at a Las Vegas resort to counseling at a wilderness camp for homeless children, you have such a rich variety of options you won't know where to start...
The coolest thing about any adventure you choose is that it will be a valuable experience and may even catapult you into a future career. You can never go wrong in doing what you love, because it will only lead you further into your passion. Anyone who says doing the Peace Corps in Botswana or acting in a Shakespeare festival is a waste of time needs to crawl back into their office space. "
I had an interesting convo yesterday - no, make that a vent - voicing my fears that studying fashion and art will turn me into a complete, materialistic SNOB. You can easily get swept up by the glamour of luxury labels and brand names. I feel like everyone around me is obsessed with image. What people don't realize that fashion designers are geniuses - they are intelligent, extraordinary individuals. Sure, a lot of it is about money and social climbing but the ones I really admire - Alexander McQueen, Betsey Johnson, Phillip Lim - they are seriously artistic geniuses! Their collections make me speechless...
Anywho, back to the topic of Delaying the Real World: coming across this website and book unexpectedly, really brought me back to Earth. It reminded me just how much I need to keep grounded no matter what work I'm doing... and not take stuff so seriously.