At the last second, I found out that a friend from Cornell would be in town and needed a tour guide. Then, a family friend invited me for a home-cooked meal on Christmas day. C'était vraiment génial!
Christmas Eve - My friends and I cooked dinner. They made a Spanish omelette, and I made peppers stuffed with beef and rice. Red wine to accompany it of course.
It was delicious!
The day before we checked out the Louvre (my fourth visit!)
Holy merde, look at all these mecs around the Mona Lisa... or "La Jaconde" as everyone else calls her.
We also stopped at the Galeries Lafayette, a beautiful department store that still has the art nouveau decor from its olden days.
A girly Christmas display.
Starving, we stopped at a boulangerie for some bagged lunches. Haha we felt a bit like school children, sitting on the sidewalk and eating from our brown paper bags.
I then showed them Montmartre and Sacré-Coeur. The stairs are amazing exercise.
Of course we gained back all the calories by finishing our dessert on the steps.
Mine was a framboise tarte, with confectionary sugar on top.
A dark chocolate buche de noël. It had gold flakes on top... one of those "too-pretty-to-eat" things.
After night, we strolled into Pigalle and saw the Moulin Rouge.
Christmas lunch with friends! It was incredibly cozy... We practically took siestas after this gigantic meal.
Appéro : ginger-spiced wine. Entrée : oysters, foie gras, and champagne. Plat : Veal with cranberry sauce, chestnuts and shallots ; baked parsnips and carrots ; green beans ; stuffing ; curried sweet potatoes and parsley ; red wine. Dessert : Blue cheese, minced pies, coffee...
Are you drooling yet? How that all fit in my stomach is a question for the ages.

After coming back to the apartment, I skyped with my family (haha my mom always wears this Christmas sweater).
Amazing company and conversation. Incredible food. Coziness. And walking through the streets of Paris in the fresh air... Prepare yourself for a real corny-sob of a entry : I felt so lucky this Christmas.
I'll post a terribly depressing and sarcastic entry next time to make up for this mushiness.
Merry Christmas!