Official welcome to 2009! Much has happened and is happening that I will have to comment on. First of all, our first black president just took office (yes, we can!). My sorority just added forty-five new pledges - our biggest turnout for rush... Classes have started; mine are looking over-the-top business-y. I will be going to Montreal this weekend for a Model UN conference. I just finished my applications to study abroad in Paris next fall! And I am now working on some designs for our department's end-of-the-semester fashion show (25th anniversary so it will be a major alumni-networking event). Pheuf. Can I take a break now? Definitely not. Before I forget about my winter break, here are some of the pictures:
My family started the vacation off with a (very expensive) Christmas dinner at Atmosphere. The restaurant is in the shape of a tower with a rotating top. So you get a 360 degree view of the city while you eat. Pretty incredible.
Then, I went from drinking red wine to drinking TONS of mineral water. Yep. Spent the next three days in the rainforest on a camping trip. I look so thrilled in this picture.
Took some beautiful pictures of the sunsets.
Hung out with old friends.
On New Years Day, we went over to Sutera Harbour resort to people watch and relax allll dayy in the pooool. I'm aware that I'm now in below freezing temperatures.
Out for New Year's night: my introduction to house music (or "I feel like I'm in a German techno club.")

Artsy fartsy people always have such cool cameras.

Looking tanned yet?

Donuts are a delicacy?

We actually woke up early one day to visit the islands!
Packed a picnic: tuna sandwiches, melon, chicken wings, drool.
More artsy cameras.
It's normal to be swimming with a school of tropical fish.

Lazy bum.

Finally, finished with a birthday dinner with a zillion cousins!
So, I apologize I have not been able to update since Malaysia but my New Year's resolution this year was actually to write more and be as up-to-date on interesting thoughts/opinions as possible. So, I will try my extra best. Right now, I feel the whirlwind of activity and personal goals schmoals coming along. January is perhaps the busiest month of the year; everyone is trying to accomplish as much as possible and get the year started (hopefully) on a good note. No worries, it won't be long before the studying, working out, dieting, saving the world one third-world country at a time attitude slows down. Overachieve much? Anyway, what are some of your new year's resolutions?