I can feel the whirlwind of the semester beginning to take shape. Am I biting off more than I can chew? Right now, things are looking pretty blah. And, there's nothing worse than the "blah" feeling. "Blah" is almost worse than feeling depressed, miles away from having the "angry reds." Because at least you're still feeling something when you're in that stage. "Blah" is just nothingness.
My classes this semester have been so intellectually uninspiring (sounding a bit pretentious here), I'm finding it incredibly difficult to concentrate. What's worse: if I happen to do poorly or skip a class, I feel no guilt whatsoever. Feeling nothing. Feeling BLAH.
So, I'm on the search for something a little jolting. But fact is, I am biting off more than I can chew. By the end of the day, I'm staring into a blackhole of work. On top of my schoolwork, I'm filling out applications, writing essays, columns, working part-time, and wondering how the heck I am going to survive the boredom of the adult world... or at least a week of the pretend-adult world. I think I'm in the sophomore slump. It's the middle of the year; weather's capriciously mushy; I'm settling into routine (or at least trying to); I've done zero physical activity; and frankly, I could care less. Maybe, I just need to stock up on some energy drinks? What do you do when you're in the "blahs"? Advice?
PS. To procrastinate more, I made a poll "What should I do with my life?" Take it!