Thursday, April 30, 2009
My last column in the Sun
Today, my last column in the Sun published. The whole experience of being a columnist again is both exciting and yet, perpetually unsatisfying. I never feel as if I'm writing something substantial - maybe a humorous/whimsical comment on a current topic... then on to the next fleeting idea! Everything I write is very light and airy. I feel as if I'm not getting my feet wet enough of my opinions and observations on these subjects.
I took my last exam today (before finals begin). And I swear I bombed it despite having studied until 5 in the morning (not joking either). Tomorrow is the last day of classes... Yeah. Here we go again: the beginning of the end. Why is it for some reason I feel like I learned nothing this semester? Or did anything of meaning? My BIGGEST pet peeve: time wasted on mindless, meaningless, boring gibberish.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I can't believe it! I still have a final presentation (in French!), a lab final, an Econ midterm to get through until the epic Slope day on Friday. Crazy! Aaaand-drum roll please-the performers for slope day will be the Pussycat Dolls. I don't know why everyone is complaining. I personally am excited for the Pussycat Dolls... hot stuff!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Internship for this Summer!!
One of the suits featured on their website
I just found out that I will be interning with Malia Mills this summer!! I'm so excited - Malia Mills is a swimwear company based in New York City. Looking forward to another busy season of work and play :)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Do you take risks?
Spring Formal 2009
I bought this parrot green dress from Zara Paris, more than a year ago! I haven't worn it since. At the time, I thought it looked so Italian and so high-fashion. It's made of floaty chiffon, and there are flowers coming down from the neckline. I loved the dress, but I just never had the guts to wear it. It seemed a bit overwhelming, and a bit outrageous.
So I finally mustered up the nerve to wear it to Spring Formal. Picture above - what do you think? Win or fail? Whatever the case, I loved wearing something different.
Do you like taking risks, whether in fashion or life in general? Or are you more of a classic, tried and true kind of person?
Friday, April 17, 2009
soaking up the sun
Thursday, April 16, 2009
What are your internet procrastinators...
Childhood Flames Blog - Yes, I'm obsessed with the fashion musings of a pre-teen. SHHH. My guilty pleasure....
The New York Times is my homepage!
Another guilty pleasure - Ryan Dodge who blogs for Glamour's "Single-ish Blog". I think it's my 1-year anniversary since I got hooked.
Of course, Facebook. But who isn't on this 24/7?
Chrysalis of course... what a devoted writer...
Any other internet procrastinators? I'm getting bored with mine...
Childhood Flames Blog - Yes, I'm obsessed with the fashion musings of a pre-teen. SHHH. My guilty pleasure....
The New York Times is my homepage!
Another guilty pleasure - Ryan Dodge who blogs for Glamour's "Single-ish Blog". I think it's my 1-year anniversary since I got hooked.
Of course, Facebook. But who isn't on this 24/7?
Chrysalis of course... what a devoted writer...
Any other internet procrastinators? I'm getting bored with mine...
How do you prep for an interview?
I was biting my nails (at a nail salon, too), stressing about an upcoming interview. Lo and behold, I opened a magazine just to see Isla Fisher of Wedding Crashers and Confessions of a Shopaholic, wearing Malia Mills on the cover of Allure. She looked hot! Recall, this is the chick married to Borat.
I'm getting pretty nervous for my interview, which is perhaps the one chance I have at an internship this summer. Looking up questions doesn't really help either. Where do I see myself in 5, 10, 30 years? What are my strengths? Weaknesses? Definitely keeping my calm.
How do you prep for an interview???
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Routine... good or bad?
Taking time to enjoy a cup of coffee on a checked picnic blanket in fiiine weather? Priceless.
Though excruciating at first, waking up for my 9am is getting easier and easier. The trick is to get into routine. Earlier today, I started thinking about it. Routine can be comforting and perhaps even soothing. It's nice to know exactly what to expect. My first challenge at college was to establish a routine. Needless to say, I'm still having difficulties with this. When I first arrived at school, I was amazed by how much freedom I suddenly had. I could probably go out every night if I wanted to. If I just felt like ordering food or going for a run, I could. But then you realize it's not like that at all. You need a routine, and the routine becomes suffocating.
It's funny. One time when I was still in grade school, my sister and I decided to go to the neighborhood park. We've probably taken this walk a thousand times before. As we were walking, she suddenly made a comical, overly-exaggerated veer off to the other side of the street. I was both confused... and amused... Later, she told me she felt like something was "controlling her" to keep walking straight down the street. So, she made a ridiculous detour. She wanted the walk to be her own choice, and she wanted to prove she could go any direction that she felt like... even if her destination would be the same.
We get schedules, meetings, chores, tasks, assignments, and soon it's routine that's ruling your life, and life that's constraining your liberty. When did spontaneity become unfashionable? Is life just doomed to be chained to meaningless, mindless, aimless routine? If I am my own person, then why does it feel like I am only what my routine makes me... Maybe life in itself is just a large-scale balancing act between routine... and spontaneity. Are we supposed to only live around these routines? If so, when does real living begin? What gives: is routine good or bad?
Off to stop procrastinating on homework...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
News alert | Feature on TeenVogue!
Cornell was featured on TeenVogue for the 25th Annual CDL Fashion show. So dope!
Internship update: I have an interview this week via SKYPE. Let you know how that goes. Applied to Anthropologie and Women's Health, Interview Magazine, and hopefully TimeOut New York and Smithsonian soon. Pheuf!
Hope everyone is having a good week so far...
Monday, April 13, 2009
who doesn't like daisies and daffodils...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
interesting demonstrations on the quad
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Would you prefer an apartment or a dorm room?
Unmade bed... disgrace...
Room is getting a spring cleaning. And makeover? I remember when I tried redoing my room at home... which turned out to be a semi-success. But I love it and all the personal trinkets that make it homey. Having a sense of home and my own personal space is so important to me. I'm wondering what the deal will be like next semester, in Paris! I can either live in a household with a French family (language benefits), in dorm (peer benefits), or with another person in an apartment (homey benefits). I can't decide. What would you do??
spring awakening | what are you excited about for spring?
The buds are finally coming out...
After a freak snowstorm earlier this week, the buds are finally coming out!!!! I'm excited about...
1. Riding my schwinn again... when can I get cruising?
2. sunglasses
3. end of classes (i.e. Slope day)
4. laying out on the arts quad
5. outdoor hookah and dinner parties
6. fresh fruit from the farmer's market
7. flowers!!
8. Swimming at the gorges
9. Holi
10. spring dresses
What are you excited about for spring?