Yep. Feeling kind of glum for several reasons. Summer? I don't have much to look forward to. Sorry if you are expecting a thriller series about my exciting internship and the consequential tribulations of it all. That glamour is long gone...
It's not that I detest my jobs at this moment, though. In fact, I really like where I'm working this summer. Malia is great - friendly people and a bright, cheery office! The uniform is casual and relaxed. My sales gig at the Montmartre boutique is certainly better considering my past experience there. I've especially learned my lesson of bringing comfortable shoes with me EVERYWHERE. As soon as I hit the subway station, I'm in my moccasins without a care for how I look. Who am I trying to impress, anyway? The panhandlers?
Yikes. Now there's a jaded voice unearthing itself from all this mess. Aside from being an intern and a salesperson, I will also be a student... once again! This summer is looking fantastic, already. (That's sarcasm.) I'll be taking Chemistry at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Yeah, don't ask.
Other than working my ass off and studying my ass off (I will certainly be ass-less by the end), I will also be a babysitter to a two-year old. For the summer. I just can't wait for it to begin!!
Sarcasm comrades...
In the words of a current boss, "None of this... ' Summer could be better.' Have a more positive attitude!" I will keep busy and you know what? I read today in Time Magazine (before I got a massive stomachache and had to run out of the book store) that sales jobs are going up.
And I guess that's it for now. Stay tuned for exciting updates!