Sunday, June 21, 2009
Work has taken over my life.
As I sit here munching on my salt and vinegar potato chips. I wonder... is this a sneak preview into my twenties life? It's lookin dismal. But there's still hope!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Taking control of recklessness!

At the John Jay College Library right now. Libraries are like hair salons - they look, smell, and feel the same wherever you go. There are always the same types of people hanging around... and you come out feeling either more empowered, or more disappointed.
Hopefully, I will come out empowered not disappointed. I am turning a new leaf in my life! Inspiration directly stemming from this economic disaster we're in... and the need to adapt. So, I'm deciding to handle my finances, 200 xs better... any advice?
I'm going abroad next semester, so I need to start saving. I'm going to keep a detail money diary of everything I purchase over the next week and how much I have. I'll also detail the amount of my bills, other fees, etc. Then... the financial diet will have to commence. Keep you posted on this experiment.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Exhausted from work again, but I've got new-and-improved hopes for a publishing career! Maybe someday I'll be one of those impeccably well-dressed power women, gliding through the revolving doors in my stuart weitzmans. Or maybe not.
Egads! (this is a real word. why does spell check not think so?) I'm now working 7 days a week. Do the math. that means every day!
Monday - Chemistry (to improve my attitude towards chem let's name it something more interesting... In honor of the harry potter premier this summer, we shall call it wizardry! in any case, the concepts in chemistry might as well be wizardry!)
Tuesday - Internship
Wednesday - Wizardry (wizardry wednesdays!)
Thursday - Work at boutique
Friday - internship
Saturday - boutique
Sunday - boutique

I have Wizardry tomorrow allll dayyy longgg. awesome!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Here comes summer!! (part 2)

Spending tons of time on this futon lately.
Someone told me that my previous entry was really depressing. So, I'm determined to lighten things up a bit. Summer wooooooooo!!!
Okay, time to get serious. and less sarcastic.
I've been feeling very confused lately. I have no idea what I want. What I used to deem important, no longer seems so. The future looks hazy. Panic attacks frequent my dreams. Is this the time in my life when I get hit with a reality check?
I went for a run today in beautiful weather. Down by the Hudson, I went into complete runner's zone: a place where I can lose track of everything and just concentrate. I seem to break down the emotions with the physical aspects of jogging. It's so important for me to go with the flow. I hate running in pain, and I'm an easy quitter. If I feel like stopping and contemplating, then I do exactly that. I'm probably a helluva annoying runner, too. I like making obstacles, and I weave in and out of trees, park benches - sometimes I jump onto park benches or over rocks. I'll do form drills or try to run only stepping on the cracks in a pavement. Weird right? Running is more of a mental than physical exercise for me. But I'm afraid it didn't so much clear my head, as give me a shot of endorphins, today. I left just as confused as I felt before.
Going back home to Poughkeepsie this Friday. My sister's SENIOR PROM is this weekend - and of course prom drama needs to be sorted out. Damn teenagers (+ housewives).
Yeahhh Summer 09.
I have to think about some new "stay-positive" techniques.