
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Reflections at the end of summer

As I finally have time to reflect back upon this summer, I've realized a number of things.

Number one. I have very little money to my name. And although I've unearthed several clever (I think) ways to go about living the way I do and still enjoy the little things... it's clear that money does have meaning. More meaning than I would like it to have. But I guess that's why humans created this invisible form of self worth? Whether it's clothes or food, or trips here are there... everything can be broken down into george washingtons. We all want it... i'm jostled up to a slick businessman and a panhandler in tattered nikes - they both want it. You scream, i scream... we all scream for ice cream!

Number two. People. There's something ingrained in us people that makes us needs closeness. And I wonder about strangers- who they're close to. Who fills those random knick-knack hours which exist between our errands, work, and social times? Who do we grant that pleasure? We've got odd hours to fill, and fill them we must!

That brings me to Time. Time is so important. Probably even more important than money.

And about other things - I've discovered that those who are happiest spend their times outdoors. It's so sad a majority of our life is spent in a fishbowl.

Being happy? What's that about anyways?

So many unanswered questions and I've already had twenty years on this planet...