
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Welcome to My Home!

If you've been wondering where I am when I publish these blog entries... check it out.

Your stereotypical college dorm room. My suitemates like to come and chill on my comfy rug for some good conversation (ha!). Too bad I have nothing yummy in the fridge! Only breakfast stuffs...

Excuse the mess.

Where I spend most of my time... alone. Yes, I'm in a single. Even though I applied for a double. It can be kind of lonely sometimes but then again, it is nice for more freedom.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

"The Hottest Ivy"

So, Cornell just won this poll and earned the title of "The Hottest Ivy." Hmm, don't know if I can agree so far. It's definitely HOT as in temperature. So humid too... hmm.. but Hottest Ivy? Come on, IT'S ITHACA. There's nothing here but cornfields... and Cayuga lake... and lots and lots of hills.

Oh what a proud cornellian I am. But no, I think I just need to adjust to living in the middle of nowhere. And all the walking. And being in such a large student body. Today officially marks a week that I've been in college. It's been interesting... some things I expected, others not. I think writing about my freshman experience so far has been the most challenging of topics. Partly because...

1. I never have any time.
2. Overload of information and new experiences
3. Absolutely no time here...
4. My wireless internet connection sucks!
5. Hard to find some time.. yeah.

I feel like years passed by during this one week-- I'll try to do a quick overview though. Orientation, I thought would be soo much fun- no homework, fun events, meeting people.. but no! It was a nightmare-ish experience of going to meetings and panicking about my life.. because suddenly I realized.. I'm not much of a science person-- and I'm pre-med? What am I doing?? That was interesting.. which is why my schedule is so odd and consists of Psychology, Chem, Art, and Statistics. Classes started and I'm actually glad I stressed about my schedule so far.. because I made it perfect. Easy Mondays and Fridays... end the week with Sailing on Friday afternoons (my Phys Ed choice). Most days my classes don't start until at least 11. No more waking up at 6am..

Misconceptions: I think I'm losing a lot of weight... All this walking and meetings-- I haven't been able to eat right. What happened to Freshman 15???? I always feel like there's so many things to do here, though. So many opportunities that I'm not taking advantage of.. and I have such a restless feeling. If I'm in my room, I think, "Why am I here.. I could be doing something!" If I'm out, I think, "Wah so tired.. I need to sleep." It's an endless cycle. I need to find a few things and commit.. if only I can find the time... no time... Hopefully will have more time for this dear blog though.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Strange Incidents Which Only Happen to College Freshmen

I was walking into registration on the first day and some upperclassmen were apparently trying to recruit new students to join the marching band.

"Hey, do you play an instrument?" One of them asked.

"Yeah... the piano."

"Awesome, join the marching band!" She hands me an info sheet.

Few moments of confused silence.

"No, wait. I don't think you understand... I play the piano."

"Yeah, yeah... see you at the first meeting!" And she turns away to haggle more dazed freshmen.

I kept thinking of the sight of me in a marching band... carrying a grand piano while I parade down college avenue.

Another incident.

"OMG. I totally forgot I need to take a placement test in order to sign up for a French class, this fall!" Panic, panic, panic.

"Chilll, just give the office a call as soon as possible."

"No worries." I pull out a gigantic course of studies book out of my geeky backpack. "I'm prepared. French is under what... Romance languages? Here it is, Department of Romance Studies. I'll call right after this academic meeting."

I walk outside, surrounded by bustling students near College of Human Ecology, and dial the number.

"Hello?" It's a man's voice.
"Hello, is the department of romance studies?"
I can sense a few seconds of uncomfortable silence.
"Ohhh, right. Romance studies. Oh, ho! You want to learn ROMANCE-"
I hang up the phone.

Monday, August 20, 2007

A Taste of My Day

8am - Wake up
9:30am - Swim Test
12-3 pm - Biology and Society meeting
3:30-5:30 pm - Small group reading project
5- 7pm - Hillel BBQ
5:30-6pm - OL Meeting
8-9pm - Dance workshop
10pm-1am: Big Red Blowout
1am-??: Probably collegetown..

Academic advising session??
Check on scholarship???
Check on Health Service waiver acceptance??
Print reading assignment???
Figure out my life???

UPDATE THIS BLOG??????????????????????????????????????????????////


Freshman Orientation

Moved to Ithaca. Moved in. Met some new people. Went to sessions X Y Z. Ate at places A B C. Everything is a big big dizzying blur. Will absolutely try to find time to write here... when I'm not.. falling.. fast asleep... zzz...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Everything I Own in Plastic Containers

To the left, to the left... everything I own in a box to the left... La la la..
to the left, to the left......... and to the right, to the.... oh, and behind me.. and in front... and on top... and oh no.. I think.. I'm drowning..

I feel... exhausted! I am ready to keel over and go to sleep but no... I must prevail. I must must must finish cleaning and packing my things tonight! Because, tomorrow is my last day in my hometown and who wants to spend the last day stuck in a room, on the laptop and amid trash?? Not me... These last few days have been perfectly gorgeous outside... and I have not been able to do anything! Tomorrow will be different. Although, at the moment it seems very very probable that I will not finish in time.

As I went through all the junk that has collected in this room, I began to realize- wow, I've lived in this room since I was 7. And then I began to feel kind of sad and attached to the place... the photographs and paintings on the wall, my salmon arm chair... my bed.

Things just seemed to be rooted in place. I cleared most of my high school papers and momentos... then, I found a huge stack of papers- remnants from the college admissions process. Horrible flashbacks followed. I actually took the time to look over all the pain that I had endured during this era... Seniors this year, I'm so sorry. Don't worry, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

The worst part was remembering everything I actually had to do... Looking back now, I knew it was a difficult process but I forgot just how difficult. I uncovered more and more letters I had written to teachers, guidance counselors, admissions counselors, camp counselors, etc. I found my writing portfolio and transcripts and essays and all the little creative things I had to do to make myself "stand out from the others"..... It's a miracle that I survived.

Why does it seem like only the US has such a stressful university admissions process? I only remember how much everyone stressed "bringing your personality into your application." Such a mentally exhausting time. As of now, I'm still not finished with cleaning / packing. Seems as though I'm putting my whole life into plastic containers... But looking through old things and applications really made me appreciate this stage of my life even more...

Waking up for an early breakfast tomorrow with friends! Hopefully I won't oversleep :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

4 in the Morning

Stupid return of the jet lag...

Monday, August 13, 2007

New York

*Copied from my notebook, Original Date is Aug 12

New York City
110th Street, Broadway

We arrived in New York around 10am. After long lines, a struggle with finding our luggage and a very interesting convo with another American traveller, I knew we were finally home.

Why I like being American:
-the grocery stores are open 24 hours
-strangers always seem to have time for a chat with just about anyone
-even fastfood bathrooms are clean
-the diversity

Why I dislike being American:
-everyone talks at the top of their lungs
-this conversation:

Scene: JFK International Airport, Airplane aisle, Passengers await for gate to open.

Man on Airplane: [looks at my Cornell sweatshirt] So, you go to school in the states?
Me: Yeah... but I just returned from vacation abroad, actually!
MoA: Oh, cool- where?
Me: Singapore and Malaysia.
MoA: Nice! Yeah, that's like in China, right?
Me: ...
Rosa: They are totally different countries.
MoA: Really! Oh, okay. Guess I got it confused. So, it's like Hong Kong, then.
Me: Actually, Hong Kong is part of China.
MoA: Ah.. Sorry, I have really bad geography. All I know is China and... oh hm.. Taiwan. Taiwan is like part of Japan, right?
Me: um, no.
MoA: Wait, that's a whole other country?? Wow, so sorry. Did I offend you?
Me: Oh, no problem... I'm American!
MoA: No way! Where you from?
MoA, Me, Rosa: [begins to talk about upstate New York].

End Scene.

I am such a city girl, though. As soon as we got out of the airport and found a taxi, I was feeling so at peace. The weater was perfect, cool, dry, fresh. I accidentally jumped into the driver's seat of the taxi, though! So used to the left side driving, now haha.

We stayed the night in the city apartment. A new grocery store opened across the street... very nice, 24 hours too! Anyway, excited to go home to Poughkeepsie and the lovely Hudson valley. For now, about to visit the public library and maybe eat near Columbia U.

The Conclusion

*Copied from my notebook, Original Date is Aug 11

Current location: Frankfurt, Germany (International Airport)

Current mood: hungry, inspired

Current craving: pancakes and strawberries, jasmine tea

Current time: 6ish am in Frankfurt... 12ish pm in New York... 12ish am in Singapore

Current attire: sweats, sneaks, tank, college sweatshirt, glasses, ipod

Current thoughts:

I haven't touched my blog, not to mention, opened my notebook in forever, seems like. Okay, maybe a few days. So now, I'm at the Frankfurt airport, waiting for my connecting flight to New York... and I finally acknowledged the least favorite part about travelling- I'm admitting that it's all over, I'm writing the conclusion, composing the finale, finishing the race... in plain words- it's the end!

To be honest, I think I purposely avoided all internet access and writing for the last week or so... obviously in denial that my vacation is ended. And then, very soon, I must begin a whole new lifestyle and confront my perpetual status of not-knowing.

My To-Do list is growing endlessly. I feel so frenzied for some reason that one night in KK, I sat straight up in my bed - middle of the night - and wrote a huge list of life goals... panicking that I will become a boring person who will only get a degree, work, work, retire, die... oh yeah, throw some kids and menopause in there somewhere. So, I have this long list which will eventually become more post-its stuck to my bedroom wall.

Despite all that, I'm feeling the happiest I've been in a long time. Can you believe it? I mean, I feel great... almost hyper. This whole year has been extremely stressful- full of college applications, the school paper, odd jobs, graduation, prom, my mysterious future, and just stupid high school drama... It's all over, hopefully. I've been able to get away during my time in Asia and I honestly feel as though I've taken advantage of each day and moment. It's been a full, fulfilling, satisfying journey.

Going to Singapore during the National day (country just turned 42...) was the perfect cooldown to the long stay in Malaysia. We ran into a number of traveling problems in Singapore, though- airline cancellations, hotel switching, etc. Yet, I was hardly moved. It was to be expected (wow, so many "to be" verbs... Mrs. Tremblay would kill me).

I read my horoscope: "You will feel great about your life- use this energy to get yourself going. Opportunities are opening up for you. This is a year of great changes and definitely a time to integrate into your life all that you have learned. Must do: Get a reality check." Usually, I don't bother with superstition but I think that was incredibly right on. Especially the part about the reality check.

I've learned a lot from this trip- grown up a lot and absolutely cannot wait to plan the next one. I think I'm ready for something drastic. They say, "Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it'd be easy; they just promised it'd be worth it." But can you possibly believe that everything EVERYTHING happens for a reason? And the part about taking a chance... easier said than done. But I guess cliches are cliches for a reason!

And now, I've succeeded in writing a very sickeningly opptimistic and happy journal entry haha. Don't know why I feel so enthusiastic at the moment... better use the energy while I can. Okay, boarding time!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Some Pictures of Malaysia

Trustworthy, Singapore Airlines... my parents won't fly with any other company.

Rosa, eating Durian at the night vendors.

Michele and I, at Rumba!

Newlyweds at the Opening Day of Harry Potter.

Lots of writing.

Michele with International Rugby players, Semi and Colin.

Sunset from the balconey...

Pictures from Mount Kinabalu to follow soon...

Random Thoughts

I officially have three days left in Malaysia... Three days! My five-week trip is coming to a close... and I can hardly believe how fast it's passed by. Upon reflecting, this experience has been nothing like what I had imagined back in the US. It's been a hundred times better and I'm leaving this place with so much more than I had expected. While here I've...

-Grown quite used to lizards crawling up and down the walls.
-Relearned how to use squatting toilets.
-Gotten over fear of taxis.
-Written practically a novel.
-Visited an island.
-Climbed a mountain.
-Gained new friends.
-Played with my cousins.
-Improved my Chinese... a little.
-Gotten shockingly darker.
-Had my fill of ice kachang, soybean milk, roti canai, and watermelon juice.
-Improved my technique of ignoring flirty locals.
-Wasted a lot of money.
-Assisted in a fashion photo shoot!
-Some more stuff I can't think of now....

I had more I wanted to say but I left my notebook at home. Shall bring it with me next time... So, what am I up to the next few days? Tonight, the extended family is coming over again for swimming and dinner. Maybe some time I'll write an entry introducing them to you... My cousins, Pui Pui, Sim Yee, Bong Bong, San San, Wun Wun, Siew Yee, Eva, Aimee, Ida, Ivy, pheuf... I think that's all of them. Yes, very interesting names. Then, out tonight for drinks with friends... sleeping over Mich's and I don't know what else! Flight early morning on Wednesday to Singapore... Few days at Sentosa Resort, then Friday evening... flight back to the States! Five more days... then college!

Friday, August 3, 2007

So Sore

Enough said.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

There and Back Again

It's August! What better way to begin a new month than with a little mountain climbing?

Now that I'm back from my trip, I have to say that Mt. Kinabalu is a pretty formidable monster of nature. Yesterday (seemed like such a long time ago...), Rosa and I departed for the mountain at 7:30am. When we finally arrived, they realized that the guide was late- couldn't begin the ascent until around noon time... still without a guide (he never showed up until we arrived at the cabin). But, I think it was okay. We started off, sure as always, overestimating our endurance. We ignored the first five rest stops and even ate lunch while trekking (sandwich in one hand, walking stick in the other). It was an intense climb for me... Rosa, flying though. However, after a few hours, we stopped mid-step.

R: I'm tired.
C: Me too.
R: I'm bored.
C: Me too.
C: ... let's... chill...

So, we stopped and took a few pictures. Pretended we were climbing Mount Doom, escaping over the Alps, in a Final Fantasy video game... singing very badly. Climbing can become tiresome... so you have to figure out a way to make it fun.

I feel like there are two types of mountain climbers. The first is one who practically paves his or her own trail. Rushing, racing against time and fellow climbers. They want to reach the top asap. I have to say... they are pretty intimidating. The other kind is one who carries a huge, heavy duty artsy camera. They take time to examine every pebble and blade of grass... taking pictures, dawdling, taking in the view.

I think we started off as rushers but turned into more dawdlers. Fun until you realize how far behind you can get! Next time, I think we should find a medium... somehow.

We both underestimated the coldness. After reaching the cabin (about 6km up... the whole trail is 8.5), the cold just settled into our bones. I had some coffee and soup... still chilly! Passed time, meeting and chatting with other climbers. We met a whole group of students from Cambridge, England. Played cards and shamelessly abused the buffet table by sneaking food to others.

Around 7pm, we hiked to our hut- place we would be staying for the night (another 200m...) It was pitch dark, raining, and cold... our guide abandoned us somewhere... Finally, met our roomates. They were two Australians, both named Katie. After more chatting and unpacking, we went to bed at around 8pm.

Maybe it was the cold or high altitude but I had the worst sleep ever... I had a lot of trouble breathing and also had many headaches. I kept waking up in the night until finally, 2am came and we set off with our guide, Jay (found him, again) for the summit.

Both of us have climbed Mt. K before and I remembered how I hated the summit climb... but this was nothing compared to the last time. It was so windy and raining. By the time, we had reached the rock wall, it was pouring. Climbing up this face of the mountain seemed impossible. The one rope was drenched, the wind and rain were really picking up... and our flashlights died. We saw the first group ahead of us turn around. Their guide waved his arms and yelled, "You cannot cross the water!" like some rip off from Lord of the Rings. The group silently went back down even though my sister and I were screaming at the top of the lungs, "What's wrong??" The wind was too loud, I guess. Everything was soaked, even the "waterproof" stuff. Don't know how that happened...

We asked our guide what to do and he seemed thrown off by the question. After a while of more standing in the rain on the side of this rock wall, we decided to keep going. There were a few streams running off the rock's side but nothing too intense. Some more climbers followed us and together we reached the summit gate... it was locked. By that time, I stopped caring. We started to climb back down and realized that our path had turned into a fricken waterfall! Water was falling down my shoulders and over my backpack. I could see nothing.. felt my way down through the water. Finally, we jumped off the wall after what seemed to be hours of climbing and realized that our trail to the huts... had turned into a river! We were jumping down stepping stones.

On the drive back, I still couldn't imagine us doing that at 2 in the morning today. We were looking at the peak in the clouds and realized that we were just up there. Such a strange thought...

Climbing down, we had decided not to stop at all and just ran. Soreness in knees and toes, but worth it! I'm still a little upset we couldn't reach the summit... so.. close, though. But I think we definitely pushed our limits all the same.

I always wonder what makes us go through all this madness. My sister and I have always been adventurous... loved nature. But still, risking hypothermia in an attempt to conquer nature? Beats me. Despite that, I think the reason we are addicted to these things is the learning process during the journey. It does seems that we learned a few things... First, nature really doesn't give a damn about if you're cold, hungry, tired, aching, about to die, etc. But okay, on a more serious note... I kept wondering, why didn't we just turn around when we had the chance on the rock wall. What kind of psychological nonsense does that mean...

In all, an interesting trip.